Make Appointment 613-433-4759

Calabogie Services


Connecting residents to businesses

Help is just a click away

Local businesses serving you

Your neighbours have used them

Have confidence in selecting your service

A to Z

Calabogie Services is more than a directory; it is a collection of neighbourhood people, artisans, entrepreneurs and trades people; experts at what they do, ready and willing to help you.

Are these local people?

Yes, living in the Greater Madawaska area. If a local person cannot provide a particular service, an alternate name is listed.

Are they insured?

Not all goods or services require insurance. Ask the service provider.

Is Calabogie Services like the Yellow Pages?

Better. You can view multiple service providers all at once.

Why wouldn't I use Google to find someone?

Google is great: however, some of the Calabogie service providers and artisens do not have a website and cannot be found online.

Is Calabogie Services a Calabogie business?


Around The House or Cottage


Appliance Service | Building Supplies | Carpentry | Chimney Clean/Repair |Dock Install/Removal | Drywall | Electricians | Firewood & Logs | Flooring Installers | Fuel Oil & Propane | Furniture Handcrafted | Furnace & A/C | General Contracting |Grass Cutting & Property Maintenance| Handy Man | Hardware | Hot Tub Service | House Checking | House Cleaning | Insulation Services | Interior Design | Landscape | Lumber |Painters | Plumbers | Real Estate | Renovations | Roofers | Septic Tank & Tile Bed Service | Snowplowing | Stump Removal | Trucking Topsoil/Sand/Gravel | Tree Cutting | Water Pump Repair | Welding | Well Drilling

Personal Services


Artists | Baby Sitting | Bait & Tackle | Boat Wrapping | Bookkeeping | Crafts | DayCare | Dental Care | Golf Club Re-Gripping | Exercise Classes |Farm Food | Groceries | Hair Cut/Salon |  Massage | Medical Centre | Meditation | Natural Health Care | Nursing & Personal Care | Pharmacies | Photographers | Pilates | Seamstess | Website Design & Emailing Services | Wedding/Funeral Officiant

Round n’ About

Places To Stay Cottage Rental

Property Development

Places to Eat Brewery Craft Beer

Campgrounds Trailer & RV

Recreational ATV Rentals Boat Rentals Motor Sport Golf

Community Services

I Am Looking For

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